Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Amazing Research Breakthrough!

Not my own...but my dear friend, Mitch, (who has been dating my sister since he swept her of her feet at our wedding - see picture) has been involved in an amazing research breakthrough! He had warned us something big was coming from their lab...he wasn't kidding. It's so big, it's hit top story on CNN, ABC, Yahoo! News, NYTimes, etc.!

Basically, their lab at Wisconsin and another lab in Japan have figured out a way to make human skin cells into what appears to be embryonic stem cells - without the embryo! Although there will surely continue to be ethical debates about various uses of stem cells, this breakthrough is HUGE folks! It takes a huge part of the ethical dilemma out of stem cell research. So now, hopefully we can move forward to use the technology for helpful things and not have to worry about the whole issue of "when does life begin" - no matter what side of the issue you're on!

Check out the story:
NY Times
CNN (AP Article)

The actual research article from the Wisconsin lab will be available online at www.sciencemag.org on Thursday. Mitch will be listed as a contributor to this article for all of his hard work. That means he's a notable contributor to a scientific breakthrough that is being likened to the Wright Brothers' first plane!! Way to go, Mitch!

1 comment:

Allison said...

maybe he can fix your tongue now :)